Our Services
Mildura Base Public Hospital is a 172-bed (level 1) tertiary teaching hospital, offering services to both public and private patients. We provide services to the community of Mildura and the Northern Mallee region in:
- Emergency Care
- Maternity
- Intensive Care
- General Medicine and Surgery
- Oncology
- Dialysis
- Mental Health (inpatient and community services)
- Ambulatory Services
- Pathology
- Medical Imaging
- Pharmacy
- Allied Health Services
Our services are delivered by our dedicated staff who provide inpatient care and medical coverage 24 hours a day.
Mildura Base Public Hospital
Mildura Base Public Hospital is the major public referral health service for the Northern Mallee sub-region of the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria, the far west region of New South Wales, and the Riverland area of South Australia. We're also a referral centre for smaller regional services including Mallee Track Health & Community Health Services and Robinvale District Health Services.
We have a number of affiliations with major Victorian universities to provide both undergraduate and post graduate Medical, Nursing and Allied health education, clinical placements and training.
For more information about the services we offer, please refer to our services page.

Our History
Mildura Base Public Hospital has a long and successful history in providing high quality care to the community.
Constructed in the 1930s, the Mildura Base Hospital was built as part of a Government initiative to establish a comprehensive system of hospital care throughout the state. The hospital helped to fill the void between charity hospitals and fully privatised institutions present at the time.
Designed by Melbourne architects, the hospital was opened on 30 August 1934, the day after Mildura was proclaimed a city. The Base Hospital provided surgical, medical and midwifery care for 66 years on its original site, 137-157 Thirteenth Street Mildura, until it was closed on 18 September 2000 following completion of a new hospital complex, also on Thirteenth Street.
Designed by Melbourne architects, the hospital was opened on 30 August 1934, the day after Mildura was proclaimed a city.
In 2000, the new Mildura Base Hospital was opened and Ramsay Health Care was engaged to provide hospital services on behalf of the State Government of Victoria. For a period of 20 years, Ramsay Health Care provided quality care and services to both public and private patients.
In August 2019, following extensive consultation with the community, medical professionals and hospital staff, the Victorian Government announced that operation of Mildura Base Hospital would revert back to the State on completion of the 20 year agreement. As such, on 15 September 2020, Mildura Base Hospital made this transition and took on the new name of Mildura Base Public Hospital.
While our name and brand might look a little bit different, some things will always remain the same – that is our determination to provide the highest standard of patient care to the community of Mildura and the Northern Mallee region.