At the Mildura Base Public Hospital, we have a wide range of volunteering opportunities.
From talking to patients or helping with events, we work together to create a rewarding volunteering environment.
Register your interest and volunteer with MBPH.

Our Volunteers
We aim for our volunteers to be the face of Mildura Base Public Hospital, as our volunteers represent our community and therefor play an integral role in supporting our patients, staff and visitors.
Volunteers provide a friendly greeting at our welcome desk and direct our patients, their families and visitors to easily find their way around the hospital.
From making a cup of tea for patients receiving treatment in the Oncology and the Renal Dialysis departments, printing pamphlets and information packs to assist our staff in Midwifery, to transporting the Trolley service to the Wards to sell papers and snacks.
Volunteers support our organisation in providing exceptional care
Although since the COVID-19 pandemic Volunteers are yet to return consistently onsite, we do however, have a patient get well and staff good vibe card, poster or video HEART initiative that can be conducted anytime. Community connections are especially important during the COVID-19 Pandemic as we have NIL or limited visitors onsite and staff are wearing hot and uncomfortable PPE (personal protective equipment) for many hours.
Trinity Lutheran College Mildura created a recent batch of these wonderful cards, picture above and below.
Mildura West Primary School created our staff some fabulous and encouraging cards too, we said thanks via zoom. Students interrogated Terry Walsh and Emma Gallagher, our Chief Executive Officer and one of the Emergency Department Unit Nurse Managers.

Volunteer HEART Initiative: cards, posters or videos for patients and staff
To create meaningful connections for our patients and staff with our community and vice versa
To engage individuals, community services, school and early years services to create patient get-well and staff good vibe cards for the Mildura Base Public Hospital
Work Instructions
Step 1
Choose if your card, poster or video will be a patient get-well or staff good vibe.
Step 2
Create your card, poster or video.
Step 3
Write in your card or film your video, encouraging or get well messages, jokes and drawing most welcome. Be as creative as you like.
Step 4
If you would like to know how your HEART initiative went, write on the back of your card or announce at the start or end of your video; your name, organisation (if applicable) and postal address. We (MBPH) will provide you with feedback.
Step 5
Cards only: Quarantine your card in a snap lock bag and label it with the date this was conducted.
Step 6
How to Become a Volunteer at MBPH
Volunteer Coordinator, Mildura Base Public Hospital
Phone: (03) 5022 3832
E-mail: jmadafferi@mbph.org.au
Working hours: Monday to Thursday
Or express your interest in volunteering, or ask a question via the “contact us” link below
Get in touch
If you have any additional questions about Mildura Base Public Hospital's services, please contact us.