
Together Creating a Happier Healthier Northern Mallee

Mildura Base Public Hospital

Ontario Avenue
VIC 3500
PO Box 620 Mildura VIC 3502

The Mildura Base Public Hospital is located in the far north-west corner of Victoria, on the banks of the Murray River and the New South Wales border, around 400 kilometres from Adelaide and 600 kilometres from Melbourne.

For details on travelling to the hospital, please see our getting here section.


If you are calling in the event of a medical emergency, please call 000 and ask for an ambulance. For all general enquiries please contact our reception:

+(03) 5022 3333

+(03) 5022 3228

We value feedback from patients, family members and carers. If you would like to provide feedback please email 

If you do not wish to contact us directly or we have not been able to resolve your concerns, you may wish to contact one of the following agencies who may be able to  help you.

Health Complaints Commissioner

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission 

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Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 

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